Si España aprendiera de ellos llegaríamos lejos....y es que la sub-17 nos ha deleitado otra vez aquí os dejo el resultado del partido contra Rusia, muy físico(son muy guarros los rusos)
España 3-0 Rusia
Goles de:
Aaron(jugador del que he hablado en este blog)
Bojan Kric(conocísimo jugador de quince años del Barça)
Gullón(creo que ha sido él)
Partidazo de Bojan, primera vez que lo veo en un partido sin ser un vídeo que en eso si que ya lo he visto, luego Aaron un jugadorazo también y creo recordar que Hermosa también ha sido uno de los destacados(dudo porque no me sé bien los nombres y me lío) y el portero Asenjo me gusta, en una de las últimas jugadas ha hecho tres paradones tremendos.
PD:Siento no publicar un gran post pero hoy mi tiempo no me lo ha permitido para nada.
viernes, mayo 05, 2006
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164 comentarios:
No he visto a Bojan pero me da la impresión que como no evolucione fisicamente lo tien e muy claro donde juega.Eso sí parece mucho más centrado que ese último goleador que salió de la Masía,el descerebrado de Sergio García.Que tal son los otros barcelonistas de la selección?
Se hablo mucho de Aaron en los comentarios y en tu post, al parecer tiene un gran futuro.
España es el mayor candidato al título junto a Alemania??? por lo que pude leer y escuchar creo que sí.
Saludos Salanova
Me gustan por este orden: Bojan, Aaron, Hermosa y Camacho. El lunes, más.
Pues bastante buenos algunos, también he visto jugar en algún vídeo a Fran Mérida que lo quiere el Arsenal y es muy muy bueno, con una zurda tremenda, además del gran Giovanni Dos Santos menuda perla se trajo el Barça.
Estoy orgulloso de la cantera del Valecia, Silva,Gavilán(que ya apuntaba maneras hace dos años cuanod jugaba de suplente con Benítez y salía por Aimar)
Luego mi favorita:España
Las demás he visto muy poco y no puedo opinar bien pero España es impresionante.
@Pablo G
Totalmente de acuerdo Hermosa no lo había oído mucho y lo voe jugar y me ha encantado.
Por cierto el Madrid ganó 0-3 al barça en la Copa de Campeones de Juveniles ;)
Joder pero esk jugaban con gente que juega en el Tercera jaja....Rayko y Granero x ejemplo.
De la seleccion el mejor mi amigo Camacho jaja, despues Bojan, Aaron y Gullon
@Pablo J
Ya lo sé ya y encima el Marca dice que el Madrid tiene una gran tendrá pero no tiene ninguno en la sub-17..jeje ni tiene a Giovanni Dos Santos,ni a Bojan, ni a Mérida ni muchos más....jeje por lo menos ganéis en algo jiji.
El mejor es mi amigo Ronaldinho...jejeje pero de la sub-17 Aaron...que es del Valencia jiji.
No he entendido lo de Ronaldinho.....xD. No en serio, Camacho demuestra cada dia sus cualidades
Buena cantera tiene España, y el Barça, tiene un chaval de color que no recuerdo el nombre que es la pera con 12 años. Saludos
Otros barcelonistas de la selección además de Bojan: Cristian Vergara, extremo derecho que juega pegado a la cal y mete precisos centros. Muy interesante.
Los mejores de España para mi por orden y por ahora: Bojan, Ramos, Camacho y Ñiguez.
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Cons: Keto Trim 800
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Cons: Berkeley Dietary Keto
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• This object is best available on the net.
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Any other benefit of this complement is that it lacks gluten. There are numerous people who have gluten hypersensitivity which is why they can't use sure supplements. Yet you can use this one easily.
With age, greater human beings tend to move vegan as they realize that vegetables are important to their fitness. Keto weight-reduction plan is vegan-pleasant so it could be utilized by even vegans. The complement is largely appropriate for any elderly man or woman wishing to attain Slim X Nature Keto.
Ultimate phrases
Keto Formation At ultimate, this is fairly cautioned to the users that Keto Formation has the authenticity so one can make a contribution to weight loss. There are many other supplements available in the market but you don’t ought to depend on them because they usually take a long term to reveal the effects except that Keto Formation truely offers manipulate over overweight and makes the frame match in the short period. So, buy this complement nowadays! And get clean consequences.
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About: Slim X Nature Keto
Some diseases appear and there in go back, we ought to face their terrible outcomes from time to time in the shape of weight problems. Weight fairly begins increasing with out eating too much meals and this typically occurs after being pregnant in girls and in adult males there are many reasons along with terrible metabolism, indigestion, constipation, etc. So, some thing cause it's miles, regardless of how a great deal you eat wholesome meals but if when you becomes obese then decreasing weight can be a tough mission for you.
Reduces inflammation
Spark Keto Irritation is a purpose of numerous ailments. As you get older your body has less power, which could result in pain and different problems. Similarly, inflammation will increase while pain incidents increase, as the frame releases cytokines as inflammatory markers. Spark Keto blessings from having lower irritation ranges.
Who can eat this and what is the complete system?
Slim X Nature Keto So, now we can talk who must use this complement. This is surely stated above, that it isn't intended for the usage of ladies (pregnant) and minors (under 18 years), except all of them people can do accept as true with at the product and use this in a first-rate viable way. But, that is additionally recommended that users should take the product as in step with the noted commands. Following those simple steps will assist you in achieving the preferred purpose in a brief time period.
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Creation OF Slim X Nature Keto :
For the current generation, Slim X Nature Keto is the first desire due to the fact it is more powerful in all respects and can’t damage your wellbeing. Because absolutely everyone desires to look slender and healthy at that second, their first desire ought to be quicker and greater green.
A few major fixings of Pro Keto Rx
Proper here all you can expect the safeness of the product due to the fact beneath given factors are very lots proper and received from a number of the alternative natural assets. Safety has been taken unique care right right here, so do now not preserve any doubt inside the mind.
How does it paintings?
Keto Blaze Xtreme Don’t compromise along with your health goals as fitness is a very critical trouble to pay attention on. Usually going for health club and diet received’t give you favored outcomes as you wish, then human beings lose their hobby in turning into narrow.
Keto Cleanse Pro If there's a scarcity of antioxidants for your body free radical may also take manage of your complete frame, and they could reason undesirable facet results.
Keto Formation
Beta-hydroxybutyrate– BHB is the compound which essential for a everlasting weight reduction purpose. It upgrades ketosis in frame and makes simpler for the body to interrupt down every and each saved fat compound.
Calcium– the calcium is some other crucial mineral for the frame; it makes bones stronger and handles the appetite-associated issues.
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In case you also have ever wanted to look slender and ideal frame shape then now's the final time to make your dream actual.
Tienda de Aloe Vera
El aloe vera para cosmética se utiliza gracias a su composición química, pues algunas de las sustancias que lo componen tienen la capacidad de otorgar una inmensa variedad de beneficios.
Optar por un producto cosmético hecho con aloe vera significa doble ganancia, ya que al mismo tiempo que utilizas un producto para lucir mejor, también estas ayudando y protegiendo tu cuerpo. Descubre con nosotros más sobre este maravilloso producto.
Buyers’ review:
Customers are purchasing this supplement in very large quantities. Porn Fuck This is creating magic on the obese persons because every fatty person wishes to have a lean body shape and it similarly does that job. Porn Fuck Without giving any bad consequence it fulfills its working and targets the excess fat from the body. Not only this, but it also prevents the future development of fat which is again the best thing. As it claims of not providing any side effect, so it does the same.
Are there any harmful effects of Best Diet?
Manufacturers completely deny from this fact that it has any type of harmful compound and gives harmful effects. Porn Fuck This is certified that it has safe ingredients and all compounds provide safe results in the future. Moreover, after consumption, no buyer will face side effects because it is approved by health authorities and formulated under the supervision of physicians. This suits every obese person.
Where to buy Best Diet?
This is very easy to get this supplement as it is exclusively available on the official website and that website is absolutely free from any type of risk. Moreover, the supplement offers many positive features and completely gives a fair view. Porn The image is associated with the official website so, by this, every person can easily access the authorized website of the supplement within a few seconds. It gives fast delivery without charging any extra money.
Return Policy:
The return policy is simply given for 30 days, therefore on not liking the product everyone can return it and get their money back easily. Porn Only visit the official website and perform all the necessary steps and you will immediately get your deposited amount.
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